Tuesday, February 25, 2025

It was 60 Degrees today...I just had to POTA

Got off work at 4PM, loaded up and headed south to US-4183 Atterbury FIsh and Wildlife Area, which is about 25 miles away.  By the time I got there, and setup my station, it was 4:40PM.  

KX-2, Paddles and Contact logbook at the ready

I chose the Mink Meadow Marsh as my operating site today, it's paved, dry, surrounded by trees, and easy to get in, and easy to get out. 

I started calling CQ POTA at 4:40PM on 20m, choosing 14.062 Mhz, and I had my tenth contact at 4:53PM.  That's got to be some kind of record for me.  This is the 39th time I have activated this location.  One more and I get the "Repeat Offender" award from POTA. 

By the time I logged number ten, the temperature had dropped to 57F and the wind was starting to pick up. We are still in Eastern Standard Time here until March 9th, so I decided to go ahead and call it an outing and started packing up. 

My entire station fits in a medium sized Apache protective case from Harbor Freight.  The case is full of foam squares you can pick out to form fit your gear.  The outer shell is thick plastic of some kind, is waterproof, and can take some rough handling. 

KX-2 Station in a Apache Case

My poor SUV is in need of a serious bath, I promise on the way home I will run this filthy beast through the car wash.  I have three stickers...one is for Parks on the Air, one I got from the park office in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park...we actually did walk on the Appalachian Trail for a few hundred yards.  The Apple...well that was put there by my son N9AWM.  He knows I am not a fan of Apple and he thought this would be a nice way for me to show the world how much I like Apple. It does make me seem more hip and cool...something I can use more of. 

Also, on a final note, on Sunday our newest Grand Daughter  was born.  She's just wonderful and cute and we can't wait to get our hands on her later this week.  Mom and baby doing well...dad is hard at work. With 13 kids, you have to stay ahead of the curve.  

Until next adventure! 

73 de KB9BVN

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