Saturday, October 27, 2018

Lazy QSOs on a lazy day...

Well the weather has been wet and cold for the last couple of days so not much going on around here today.   I fired up the K1 and called CQ a few times on the FISTS frequency of 7058 usual I did not hear any FISTS operators.  I did get a couple hits from SKCC ops though. 

The first QSO today was with Ed W0RJW from up in Michigan.  He's recently been promoted from Centurion status to Tribune status in the SKCC.  That means Ed likes CW a lot!  Ed is way up there in Grand Traverse county of Michigan and he has been a brass pounder for over 62 years now. 

Ed has a very nice collection of straight keys and a very well supplied hamshack at his beautiful location on Fife Lake.

Included in the shack are a vintage pair of Drake Twins, R4C and T4XC and Heathkit QRP tranceiver . Keys are Vibroplex Bug, Vibroplex Straight Key, Vibroplex Paddle, a J-38 and J-47 both vintage WWII surplus keys.   Ed is SKCC 17777T and has a great fist for easy copy.

The next one was Lloyd K3ESE from MD again, I heard him very loud today from Maryland and we did the SKCC exchange.  It's always good to work another Flying Pig!  OO es 72!

The next QSO was with Rob KN4IXU down in Charlotte NC.  Rob is a former Ordnance Disposal Specialist for the US Army (1965-1968).  Rob my hat is off to you and thank you so much for your service.  What a dangerous job.

Once he left the military he worked the next 50 years in the Safety Supply business.  Rob retired in January of 2018 and made it a goal to learn Morse Code and get on the air with CW. Well I am here to tell you that Rob has a great fist, and a fantastic signal from his IC-718 and inverted vee antenna.  He's pounding away on a J-38 and is up to about 15 wpm.  Give him a shout if you hear him.

73 de KB9BVN

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